Accounting | KEYNAS GROUP


In the modern economic realities, the audit of the financial statements performed by an independent auditor in many cases becomes the necessity for the business owners and managers, investors, creditors, and the financial service.

The external examination carried out by the qualified auditor will improve the confidence in the financial statements, enable to assess impartially the financial and economic performance of the organization, its internal control efficiency, as well as obtain recommendations on the performance improvement.

The assistance of the auditors in the preparation and restatement of the financial statement, as well as in the transition to IFRS, will enable the business to address the challenges more efficiently.

Attracting the auditors to the independent stocktaking of assets will allow the business to cut down the labor input of its own staff, accelerate considerably the process of stocktaking as well as the quality of its results processing, and get the analysis of the reasons for the differences identified, as well as recommendations on how to record them in accounting.

We offer:

Support for the transition to IFRS:

Consulting on Ukrainian GAAP (NAS) and IFRS:
- separate issues of application of standards;
preparation of accounting references;
- development of accounting policy and internal regulations.
Analysis and assessment of accounting:
- analysis and assessment of accounting (comprehensively/ by individual operations/ group of operations);
- assessment of financial and economic activity (Due Diligence);
- support in the preparation of NAS and IFRS financial statements .
- analysis of readiness for the transition to IFRS;
- advising on the choice of accounting policies;
- calculation of IFRS adjustments and preparation of transformation tables;
- preparation of the first financial statements according to IFRS.


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